My new acquaintance Peppy.

in Feel Good4 years ago

If you've seen my resent post. You'll know that I recently found Big Red chilling in his favorite parking spot. If you haven't met Red yet. I invite you to swing by and say, "Hi". Here's his post:

While hanging out with Red. I met this little fellow. Though he wasn't in the Cars movie. He would have been a great addition.


Though Red seems to be more reserved. This little fellow seems to love the attention.


Unfortunately I did not catch his name. I know it's kind of rude.


Though he was definitely a peppy little guy. So I'm going to call him Peppy.


Peppy wasn't really designed for speed.


I'd honestly be a little nervous bringing him to his max speed of 50 mph.


Comfort doesn't really seem to be his thing either.


Though I wouldn't mind going for a ride with him. I think he would be a lot of fun.


It was definitely a unique little car. Thank you for taking the time to share with me and my new acquaintance Peppy. If you have ever met any of Peppy's family, I'd love to hear about it. Feel free to share your experience in the comments.

Thanks for sharing with me.
God Bless.


Wow @dreamingirwin.
Peppy is really beautiful and awesome.
technology is seriously advancing.
So when did you get peppy?
I think she is a lady.
So beautiful.
Please take care of her very well.

Haha well I can see why you'd say that. I didn't buy Peppy. She was chilling in the parking lot with big red. Though if I had an extra 2 grand I would've lol.

You can always go back to get her, if you want to.

I was there earlier today seems like peppy has been relocated.

Wow @dreamingirwin.
That is so disheartening.
You gonna miss peppy big time.

I think Peppy is a bit expensive...😁

Me too. That's why I just hung out with her. I thought it was a him, but based on feedback. I've changed my opinion. Hehe