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RE: The Letter "V" for Alphabet Hunt

in Feel Good β€’ 4 years ago

We have periwinkles and violets too! 😍😍😍 At least we have something in common. Hahaha! 🀣

I enjoyed your collection of V, my beautiful friend! 😍 Hope everything's well at your end.

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Appreciate the compliment, Ging!πŸ’•

Haha! Yes, thank goodness for botany! Great that periwinkles & violets are a common denominator, though we share many more familiar things!πŸŒΈπŸƒπŸ’ 

Great to see you stop by for a virtual visit -- wish we could do that in real time. Doing okay except for being tired of dealing with the Coronavirus in all aspects of our lives. I took my mom to have tests done on her heart and learned the condition of her aortic valve has worsened. I take her go see a new cardiologist on October 26 as her regular cardiologist whom we completely trusted from handling my father's heart problems only practices telemedicine since the Covid pandemic. Scary times ahead.πŸ™

How's my handsome little guy Thirdy? Your dear mother? Hugs! @gingbabida

Oh yes! It's scary times. The other month, I was accompanying my Mom for her checkups. It was found out from her abdominal CT Scan that she has a problem with her rectum that needs biopsy. She has to undergo colonoscopy. But we decided not to proceed with it at the moment because the COVID cases in our city is progressing fast, and the first death from the virus was from the hosp my mom will have her procedure taken. Hopefully in the coming weeks the virus will be controlled.



Thirdy is doing fine. Getting taller and naughtier. 🀣🀣🀣

Hope your Mom will get the best treatment there is and will recover soon. ❀

Thank you for the adorable photos of Thirdy with scenic sky backgrounds I admire. At first glance my old eyes thought he had a beard in the second image then I realized he lowered his face mask! Definitely growing up fast but he should not be hitting puberty already!πŸ˜€

We are on the same page as far as our mothers not wanting to have any medical procedures unless absolutely necessary during the pandemic. Btw, my mom had a diagnosis similar to your mom's ten years ago. Fortunately the biopsy of the polyp removed was not cancerous. I'll keep your mom in my prayers!πŸ™

Appreciate the warm thoughts and positive wishes, my friend! Stay safe!