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RE: #AlphabetHunt letter M - and who are the winners of the lucky draw for the #L week.. [ENG-FR]

in Feel Good4 years ago

Wow another week of amazing entries to enjoy once again.

So nice to see your photographs without people wearing masks in them, how quickly we forget the way things should be.

Loved the Elephant and Monkey greeting for your sons birthday wishes.


I didn't realize people are not wearing masks on the photo... ! Indeed these older photos remind us a time we didn't know all that sh*** would happen ..
Thanks for your appreciation @joanstewart and have a nice hunt ! 😊

Masks will become the new normal, only older folk will remember days of walking around enjoying markets, cinema and other places free of additional facial gear. Have a wonderful weekend @barbara-orenya

:( and will be drinking a fresh air from a tin cans they will have to obtain....? oh noooo


Old days: Cough to hide a fart
Nowadays: Fart to hide the cough

mdaa... havent heard this joke. a nice one!

I can share one more: why theres such a deficit of toilet paper around the world? thats due to the figures, as statistic says: for one who sneezed, there are a hundred people who crap out of fear.

Oh dear is that what happened, the TP being end of line production was last on the list. This changes the whole equation, well done!

Joan, please excuse me... but I do not understand your last comment. eh?

mdaa... havent heard this joke. a nice one!

I can share one more: why theres such a deficit of toilet paper all over the world? thats due to the figures, as statistic says: for one who sneezed, there are a hundred people who crap out of fear.

no masks in my post, Joan (tho I was tempted to add a DoDo cardboard mask I had by my hands) @joanstewart

Our generation feel like the Dodo wearing masks, prehistoric and out of place with the fear of all evils befalling you if you don't...

Go ahead do show and tell.... @qwerrie