
exactly so! I had this word but didnt search for it ( i'd have to visit a restaurant to find it here, probably -- which is out of the question, hehe)

I haven't eaten a Lobster in my entire life - too much money for too little food 😉

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me too. I have a small a plain dream since my childhood that never was fulfilled up to date: to find (and catch! not just to shoot) a freshwater crayfish, ages ago there existed a lot in the lakes and rivers. i am liivng 45 years on earth - but havent meet them once :( that would be a lily excuse to a Lobster, but I am deprived of even this little bit.

We have them here too and I can tell you that I have seen a few when I was a young boy, which was a while before you were born, my young friend. But I haven't seen any in nature since then ... so you are not alone 😉

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Hey @qwerrie, here is a little bit of BEER from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

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Hehe.. thank you @johannpiber. Lobsters are expensive but am glad to have found the little guy :D

They cost too much for the little food they provide. I prefer your nice lobster too 😉

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