
Yes, us also and we have a clean out once every month, but I simply pack everything back inside 😁
I keep it for "one day" you know 🤣

You are so lucky that your apartment is not very big, otherwise you would also have a mountain of excess goods that can kit out and army of poor souls hahaha.

Cheers and thanks!

It has happened quite often when I have thrown something away because I haven't used it for years, but shortly after that or even before it reached its destination dump something happened and I would have needed just that thing 🤣

You should have a look in our basement room to see a new definition of "full" 😉

Cheers and !BEER

Yes, you are so right and it's that guy Murphy again lol.
You had one and you dumped it and now you drive to get a new one and you faint at the price 🤣

I suppose you keep the basement locked and everyone makes like it don't exist 😁

Cheers and thanks!

Oh yes, that's Murphy again 🤣
Yes, the door is locked, but it would take me a few seconds to get in because it's just an old wooden door and rusty lock thing. There's not much of value in the room anyway … but many things you might need one day 😉

Cheers and !BEER

Hahaha, that guy Murphy is a cad!

We have what they call "flea markets" on Saturdays here where can buy all odds and ends. I am toying with the idea of renting a stall there and to put all of the stuff in my store in there for sale at cheap prices.
Whatever I don't sell, I will donate 😉

Cheers and thanks!

We have such flea markets here too, but I haven't been at any for quite a while. Selling such things you don't need anymore on such a flea market is a good idea, but most things I really don't need anymore I sell via eBay or local online markets. That's much easier ;)

Cheers and !BEER

Oh yes, I forget as we also have online sales here and I will give a few a try.
Sounds better to me.

Cheers and thanks!

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