
Good morning @melinda010100 and thank you so much that you like my selection of Ns 😁
The noses have really been a lucky find, because I had no idea of a sixth word since Neowise was hidden behind clouds every night.

Thanks a lot for the !BEER 😃

I had a difficult time with the letter N and am hoping O will be easier! Thanks again for that EL prize! I will put it to good use!

Oh, the O, I have completely forgotten about that. Tonight's too late, but maybe I dream of some O's 😉

You're very welcome, Melinda, as I said in the other reply, I wish you a wonderful week 🌞

Cheers and !BEER

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@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

Hey @melinda010100, here is a little bit of BEER from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

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