Meet the Motofragon, Volunteering in the Amazon Rainforest

in Feel Good2 years ago


It counts about 100 inhabitants, the neighboring village of our Permaculture Institute.
There is no train, no bus, no paved roads. We are in the Amazon Rainforest. But we have: the motofragon!

Picture yourself a horse and wagon, and replace the horse with an incredible powerful mororbike, that's a motofragon. And the locals drive it everywhere!
The wagon loaded with 8 people squeezed between crates of food, chicken and a baby, making their way through muddy roads and pools of slippery sand, nothing stops them!

This picture is one of the rare occasions that someone gets stuck: 6 gringos and the brave Eder and his morofragon on their way back from a swim, the goodbye party for one of our departing volunteers.

There is a different kind of aliveness in the jungle and in a way of life that just does and improvises with the humble tools that it has.
Where I was born, the Netherlands, every tiny hole in the ground is covered, everything is suicide proof. Nothing should remind us of the possibility of danger or death, and the feeling of being alive, is gone.

Thanks for checking out my post! Have a wonderful day!
