Season Hunt challenge - Warm outfits for... dogs

in Feel Good2 years ago

It is cold outside and we all have to put our warm outfits. And when I say all, I mean not only us humans, but also our dog. That is what I thought reading the new challenge prepared by @barbara-orenya - Season Hunt challenge, we are chasing WARM OUTFITS and I have decided my post to be about dog's clothes.

Penny is Chinese Crested hairless. The name says it all, the dog got no fur, or little and we have to keep her warm in cold days.

When it is very, very cold she wears her thick waterproof coat.



She looks like an astronaut, but I am glad she has this coat and she feels comfortable. Even if she looks twice as big. It covers her body and legs and yes, it has an opening on the back. She would not like to wear boots. Some dogs do, but Penny would not be happy and her paws are bare. Saying that she has plenty of fur on her paws.

Another favourite coat, it looks rather cute like she is wearing trousers.


This one she got for donkey years. I usually buy them online and sometimes got wrong sizes. You will be surprised what kind of dog clothes you will find, especially for small breeds. Some dogs with short fur also wear coats and jumpers and I see more often in the park dogs in outfits.


And this is another cute coat for not so cold days. It is funny that there are little pockets. 😀

When the weather is more favourable, the red jumper is what we need.


You may notice the hairstyle differs. It is so, because Penny's fur requires constant trimming and she does not shed. Grooming is important as well as everyday skin care.

Two years ago our other dog, Jade passed away. Jade was Penny's daughter. Unlike her mother, Jade was not hairless. The breed comes in two variety and Jade was powderpuff. Still, we trimmed her fur, because it was easy to keep it clean and untangled. So, Jade also had her coats. Here are two of them. No wonder how many times we were stopped and asked my dogs to be photographed.



And that's it, my entry to this fun contest. Wishing good luck to all participants.
Till next time, when we will be "hunting" something else and I am looking forward to it.

Have a great day!


banner created by @barbara-orenya


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Cold climate a pet with no fur would need jackets, these are all stunning for the small little breed.

Our dogs have all been bigger breeds, winter is not that harsh requiring dressing up which I don't think they would enjoy.

Nice to see the love of the little hairless Chinese Crested being able to enjoy the outdoors in proper covering for warmth.

@tipu curate

Oh, with these temperatures we are wrapped well. Today it is snowing all day long and walks were very short.
Thank you very much for your kind support, ❤

Now how I wish to be in a cold climate if only for our summers 😂....

And I dream of a summer. 😀

While I wish a speedy entry of winter, best time of year here!

Wow! great!! your dogs are real fashionistas!!!! I'm sorry your dog died 😥 cool post! 😃👍

Thank you @tali72.
It is like having little children.

What a wonderful outfit the dog has

Thank you. 🙂

This is the cutest post ever! I laughed with this :" she looks like an astronaut". The other dog, the one that died, was very cute too!

Thank you for your nice comment. Glad I make you laugh. 🙂

How cute are all those outfits what a lucky dog to have such a caring owner 😊

Aww, thank you so much. 🙂

Penny the Fashionista!💗🐾🐩 💗

Omg! She's too stinking cute wearing her different styles of outerwear. Hard to believe it's been two years since Jade crossed the Rainbow Bridge.🌈 I know she took a piece of your heart with her 💔

Penny is always stylish 😀
She is so much used to be dressed, she puts her paws in the sleevs. I hold the jumper is basically is dressing, quite funny really,
Yes, time is passing but Jade will be always in our hearts.

How is Nymeria doing?