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RE: Natural Noses - AlphabetHunt

in Feel Good4 years ago

Hahaha, at times our wives caqn save us from real embarrasment my friend.
I remember a real bad incident in a shopping center.
My wife went to get some stuff and I was waiting for her at a coffee shop inside the place.
After I had read a part of a magazine and had 2 coffees, I decided to go outside to have a smoke, so I called a waiter to pay.
The waiter came over and said that no, I didn't have to pay, as the guy sitting at another table already paid for my drinks. So, occasionly I can be a decent sort of guy, so I went to the man to thank him.

As I said "Thank you sir", the guy said "What, you don't know me"? And I didn't know him lol.
So, he continued to explain to me who he was with a pitying look on his face.
I could swallow a live fish hahaha.

Turns out that he was one of the students in the English class at Papillon hahaha.
They arrived as refugees from an African, war torn country, penniless and they could only speak French.
So we taught about 2000 of them English.

Such is life my friend!

Cheers and thanks!


The story is great and I can really feel with you, because sometimes I have similar experiences with colleagues, which I haven't met for years and which have changed a lot in over time. But after a while of talking I usually find out who they are 😁

But these experiences are much different from yours and I think it is almost impossible to remember everyone of 2000 or even more students 😊

Cheers and !BEER

Oh yeah, but I am not one of those smooth talkers hahaha.

Yes, we had many more students from other countries and also local people.
It is just the way my life worked out lol

Cheers and thanks!

Ha, me neither, I mostly let talk and while I listen my brain looks for the needed information 😉

So, in my eyes it is impossible that you can remember all of them.

Cheers and !BEER

Good morning and a happy Friday to you Hannes.
Things are a bit better today and it seems that the time changes of the tablets are working.

You are correct as it is impossible to remember every soul!

Cheers and blessings!

Good morning Zac,
that's good to hear 😄

My weekend has begun and I am going for a ride. Maybe I will end at my parents tonight or on the mountain there, don't know yet, and so I also don't know if I will be much online this weekend.

That's why I quickly reply and hope you will have a wonderful weekend and you take care of yourself 😄

Cheers and !BEER

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