Phonography / Phone Photography Contest - 09

in Feel Goodlast month

This is my entry for the Phonography / Phone Photography hosted by @untilwelearn

Hello everyone good evening wherever you are, how are you tonight? Hope you are fine wherever you are.

Visiting the park is a fun thing, there we can find many things, such as enjoying the beauty of colorful flowers. Like the flower I captured, the color is very attractive. I'm sure there will be lots of flowers coming in. I myself am very interested, I am also confused about why I am so interested in it, even though there are many other beautiful flowers there. Its shiny charm made my eyes not want to blink at it, it was so attractive.

It seems that this flower not only attracts the attention of ornamental plant lovers, but it is also able to attract many beautiful butterflies which are also fascinated by it. I saw butterflies that came to the flowers not to suck honey, but to play a beautiful dance with the breeze. The dance they created was very beautiful as if they were watching a concert in progress. But unfortunately I couldn't capture the dance they were playing. When I try, the result is always blurry. So I decided to just enjoy it straight away.


The flower look so fresh and pretty!

Thank you buddy.