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RE: Natural Noses - AlphabetHunt

in Feel Good4 years ago

Mornin’ Johann. I’m sorry to hear measures are back again but better safe than sorry. We are still doing quite well with the pandemic. We can travel between the Maritime proving Identity at the borders.

Shops are open and the only restrictions in PEI are physical distancing and hand sanitizing before entering. There’s a limit to how many people can be in a place at one time. Other provinces, with active cases, have made it mandatory to wear masks inside stores or buildings.

Thanks for the goodies you are generous in giving. 🤗

Again I wish you a wonderful weekend dear Johann.😊


Hi Jo,

only the masks are back, but not everywhere. Either the government wants to confuse the people or they have no idea - I think it's the second ;) At the moment there are no further measures planned, but we will see, and it is as you say, better safe than sorry.

The borders are still open, but depending on the country you come from you have to have a medical certificate that you're healthy or go in quarantine... it has become complicated.
In the shops it's the same as on PEI, but in defined shops you have to wear a mask.

Take care, dear Jo, and have a wonderful weekend with hopefully nice weather 😊

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