Phone photography- A celebration ground with a beautiful view.

in Feel Goodlast month

It was a beautiful day as it was my brother’s convocation ceremony. I’ve never been to his school because I was in mine and was busy too. Lol. But I couldn’t miss his convocation for a full chicken. Ah ah. It was a memory day, and it is only great that he had his family members around to celebrate with him.

I got to his school and this beauty caught my attention. I couldn’t miss out on taking a piece with me. Thank God my Samsung A8+ was still practicing how to completely pack up and not yet put its practice to use. Lol. So, I was able to take a shot.

As a lover of flowers and the sky, the beauty was beyond what I could leave behind. So, I took a shot of the neatly pruned flowers, complemented by the blue sky, and the stand-alone statue. The statue represents the origin of a particular tribe in my country. A very beautiful sight to behold.

All images are mine.


It's truly a beautiful view to behold.
Nice shot sis!

Thank you. ❤️❤️

You're welcome sis.