World Bible

in Worldbuilding26 days ago

The next thing on my to do list, is to grab and compile all of my world building posts so I can have them all in one place with hyper links for the ease of navigation.


The Stories

Going through and compiling all of the links to short stories I've written was great. Having them all in one place, where I could easily follow the link to the post copy all of the content, and then paste it into a second google doc was so handy.

Having them all in place is one thing, but the hyper links/ headings were such a great addition to the document.

Having all of the titles down the side bar makes it so easy to get around.

Since having that document, I've been hopping on and chipping away with some editing here and there, as well as doing a bit reading in general. Through reading, I essentially decide what's worth working on and what's not worth it just yet.

Some are good and don't require a lot of work, some are good, but require a fair bit of work - especially if better ideas flow during a reading session - some are okay concepts, but not worth the hassle of editing.

Those ones I think are good only to cannibalize for new stories.

World Building

One issue I think I ran into was that I wrote a lot of stories, and done a fair bit of world building over the last couple of years, and while that's a good thing, it's also bad, in a way.

While I have had some great ideas for the worlds, factions, races, histories, even placenames, or prominent figures, and technology (the list goes on) that is kind of the issue, there's so much written and set in stone, so to speak, but none of that information is readily available for me.

If I was to use Ecency alone for the task it would require endless scrolling and by time I get there, the jolt of inspiration I had would most likely have dwindled.

Quick access is the only way to do it, and that's my next goal, essentially.

I'm sure there are things I've forgotten, so it'll be great to go back over it all and refresh certain ideas too.

I have a good idea for the organising of it, but the first things first. Grabbing about 3 years worth of links. I'm going to dive deep into my account, and I'm really not looking forward to the drudgery, but it has to be done.


Good luck ! It's a job I started and really need to pick up on again. I've done it with an Excel spreadsheet, so I can chart out the date, the link, which community it was in, and then which world and story arc each post belongs to. I thought I was caught up, but that was six months ago, and now I've got six months of posts to do, lol.


I wish I had charted from the time I started until now. It's such a pain going the whole way through it all, but it'll be worth it it in the end

The next thing on my to do list, is to grab and compile all of my world building posts so I can have them all in one place with hyper links for the ease of navigation.

I've been using Obsidian to compile all of my worldbuilding (as you've likely seen) and am slowly working on getting more articles up and then beginning the painstaking process of inter-linking them here. I'm sorely tempted to make an Obsidian plugin for myself that will store links I've already created on HIVE and keep it stored locally so it's easier. It would allow me a two way push/pull system where I can snag stuff off of HIVE easily and push it back up easily... BUT, getting back to the point: Having everything in Obsidian to easily reference and see what links back to what is amazing.