Dredge - Day 17



Game: Dredge by scyllallycs.

Location: Trothguard, on the Sea of Angels.

Player Character: Unknown vessel/unknown captain.

Dredge is an exploration-based journaling RPG and was something I immediately thought would be a neat aid to my own worldbuilding - as I could use the game as prompts to create a story for a character that could be part of my world.

Today's card:



Day 17

I finally found it! I found what has to be the docks. A pier jutting out from the gaping maw of some long dead behemoth entity. Inside the cavernous darkness I spotted a swirling purple and red vortex that I instantly knew would take me home. Others might fear what I saw but all I felt was relief... And then frustration.

Frustration because try as I might I couldn't get closer to the dock. It remained a constant distance from me and my ship and eventually I realized that I couldn't reach the dock because I wasn't ready to reach the dock.

I have something else here that I must find... Something else I must understand before I can be rid of this place.

I'm here for a purpose, and I think it is at least partly to figure out who the hell I am.

And the sands are falling through the hourglass... I have to do it quickly, or the Hunter is going to catch up and I'll never escape.

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