Dredge - Day 3



Game: Dredge by scyllallycs.

Location: Trothguard, on the Sea of Angels.

Player Character: Unknown vessel/unknown captain.

Dredge is an exploration-based journaling RPG and was something I immediately thought would be a neat aid to my own worldbuilding - as I could use the game as prompts to create a story for a character that could be part of my world.

Today's card:



Day 3

I woke to the sounds of waves battering the ship, and a howling roar of wind unlike anything I've experienced before.

I looked onto the deck only once, long enough to see a giant tornado rapidly approaching the ship. I spent the rest of my day huddled beneath the table in my cabin - which is mounted to the floor.

The storm was fierce, and I think at one point the ship was picked up entirely by the tornado, as there was at least one crash I felt that could only make sense if it was from the ship being flung some unknown distance.

I don't know how long we were trapped in the storm, as I must have hit my head and passed out during one of the violent tosses of the ship. I woke up long enough to pen this entry, though my head is still pounding and I feel exhausted. The water is calm again though, and the moon's position shows me that it's nearly the middle of the night.

I'd better see if I can get more rest. That's two bad omens in a row... I pray that tomorrow isn't more of the same.

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