Dredge - Day 4



Game: Dredge by scyllallycs.

Location: Trothguard, on the Sea of Angels.

Player Character: Unknown vessel/unknown captain.

Dredge is an exploration-based journaling RPG and was something I immediately thought would be a neat aid to my own worldbuilding - as I could use the game as prompts to create a story for a character that could be part of my world.

Today's card:



Day 4

I had said yesterday it would hopefully be a better day today.

It wasn't.

We had been moving for several hours when the boat finally stopped in a completely unremarkable spot. I tried the net several times but pulled up nothing. As I was about to give up and head below deck, I spotted it - A gigantic wave coming towards the ship and I, stretching along the horizon as far as I could see.

I tried to get the ship to move... I pulled up the anchor, raised the sails, and even tried rowing... nothing worked. When the ship stops, it stops, and apparently if there IS anything I can do about it I haven't found the trick yet.

I've been so frustrated with the ship and this damned sea and the events of the last few days that I did something unthinkable: I just sat down, resting against the mast, and waited. If this damned sea was so set on killing me, so be it. I decided I'd have one last pipe, watch the wave bear down on me, and let the inevitable happen.

When it finally smashed into the ship, I felt us raise up before the wave crashed around the ship and I and I felt myself pulled off the deck and into the tumultuous waters. A second later, I felt a rope slip around my waist, and I was violently pulled back to the deck as the wave broke and the waters settled.

Seems that the ship isn't about to let me take the easy way out, regardless how bad the sea wants to kill me.

Just my luck. How could this curse possibly get worse?

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This sounds cool. Enjoying following this little story as it goes. I still haven’t tried that last journaling RPG you posted about.

Thanks! It's a real fun little game. The last one I mentioned was probably DELVE, and it's a great one too. A little more art focused than journal focused, but could easily be both. DELVE has two other games in the series too which are RISE (where you play a demon or something building an army to take over the surface world), and UMBRA, where you're spacefaring people crashed on an Alien planet trying not to die. I haven't played RISE or UMBRA yet but I did buy them a bit ago for like 8$ or something and intend to get into them probably sometime after we move into our new house.

Yes, that's the one! I've been wanting to check them out but I never get to it. I have two more days of work coming up and then I'm on holidays for 7 weeks. I have a lot of plans including worldbuilding and dnd-ing.

Awesome! I hope you have a blast with your gigantic holiday! That's I'm sure going to be a well earned break. I hope to hear of both the DND and worldbuilding if you get time to post about it!