WorldBuilding with Construction materials

Brave New World is an illusion, a trick, fantasy.
Construction materials left are shipped overseas.

Oceans covering the trash
Black ravens, crying wolves and robots collected.
Mother Earth cries because dear Neptune died.

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Brave New World


construction materials left behind - shipped abroad dumped in the ocean - with tons of face masks, gloves syringes - crying wolves - fantasy


construction materials left behind - collected by black wolves and ravens - 13 red and green robots - Brave New World - ocean - face masks gloves syringes

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Mother Earth green cries fantasy digiart


The God of the Sea is dead. A sea filled with construction materials syringes facemasks gloves - fantasy digiart

I'm a mobile writer only.


See HERE for the prompt


Some very cool images! I love it!

Thank you it was one of my first tries. 🥳

Took me hours..