Worldbuilding Prompt #145: Build a military building

in Worldbuilding3 years ago (edited)

Well heck, so sorry folks! I left for the weekend, confident that I had all my prompts set up to post automatically over the last four days and... as it turns out, it's real fuckin' helpful if you actually schedule them instead of leaving them as drafts. Oops!

We'll be doubling up some posts for the next few days (morning and evening drops) until we're caught up back to a regular schedule. Thanks for the understanding!

We'll start the catch-up with Friday's Prompt (Oct 8th):


Build any military building. Are there decorations? What is the building's purpose? Who staffs the location and what is their daily life like?

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  • Prompt replies may be anything! Art, game assets, stories, worldbuilding details, fake wiki entries, maps... whatever you want to create!
  • Please reply to this post with your link
  • Posting in or cross-posting to the Worldbuilding community is highly encouraged
  • Use the hashtag #worldbuilding

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If you don't want to use today's Daily Prompt, feel free to submit something related to the Weekly Topic. It's your creation, you choose how you want to participate - we just want to see the cool stuff you make!

You're also welcome to use any prior prompts at any time! If you like something that was posted days, weeks, or months ago - use it!

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