Sonny Onoo WOO airdrop is out + memories on the general sale

in WOOGame2 years ago


Everyone who waited impatiently for the WOO general sale and bought packs received already an equal amount of Rewards packs, and today a little over 2 weeks later the Sonny Onoo airdrop is claimable as well.

I usually write about game info, insights into the market and similar. This one will be different, just a few memories ;)

What a beaut


The day of the General sale was a nerve wrecking day. I took the afternoon off as I didn't want to miss anything (not long ago the Splinterlands Riftwatchers packs presale was sold out within minutes)...
In the last days the WOO discord was on fire. Everyone was anticipating the sale, talking about the amount of packs they would like to buy and how many Sonny Onoo's we would get.

Bookerman created an Twitch event to comment the happenings, which started on 30 minutes before the General Sale. The chat already running wild. It was impossible to keep up with the happenings on Twitch and on Discord at once.
The blood was pumping faster and faster in my veins. I checked how the minutes on the desktop clock slowly fade, while others were refreshing the page and trying the buy buttons minutes before the start. It was madness.

With one ear I heard @bookerman saying that the site is working!!! It Is On!

Click it till you make it

I clicked as fast as I could to secure my first 100 packs... You could only buy 100 packs at once, so the whales can't buy it out. Thanks to this foresight of the WOO team and the coding skills of @tobias-g this provided a nice distribution of packs 👍

...where was I, oh yes, the first 100 packs. I managed to get on site, chose 100 packs and pushed the buy button. Twitch is full of information on pack buys, bookerman scooped up his first few hundred, as well as the rest of the team. And what about me? The only thing I see is a loading screen! Man was I nervous. With my low funds I could only buy 200 packs, but I wanted those 200. I can't close the window, what if the transaction fails when I do that. So I had to find a different solution. I quickly opened a second browser window and logged in as fast as I could. Cool, now for the second hundred packs. Bought!

In the meantime the first transaction went through, and it seemed the second was alright as well. Now with after a few minutes of thinking I decided to buy a few more pack (under 10), and when I was done I was satisfied...

The Drama

For about 5 minutes I was happy with my self, though the packs did not arrive... Happens sometimes... A lot of transactions, it will take some time.

But then on Twitch Bookerman wanted to check how many packs were sold. All of them, and even more. That is when the real drama started. Was I able to buy packs? My WOO is missing, does this mean I was successful? How will I know, when will I know. Tobias-G was on the thing, but this is not something that can be solved in minutes, but the show must go on. The information were slowly trickling in...
The last block number with valid buys...
The fact that some people will have to get a refund...
We started to calculate, check the blockchain if we are buyers or not...
Then the magical number 99s. It took 99seconds to sell all packs. I did not feel better after this information... Was I successful. Still to be seen, people panicking, and trying to find their names on the blockchain. Discord is full of this...

The show must go on

Bookerman expected that the sale would take hours, as that was the case with the previous sales as well. But noooo.
He had to call his mother up and right after that Perry Saturn to share the good news.

What a day!

99 seconds to sell it all. Unfortunately Perry Saturn has a bad phone line so it is hard to understand what he is saying, but the amazement was there. After another hour of waiting on Tobias-g's magic skills I heard Sonny Onoo the first time and he is an amazing dude and had a lot of great stories. The topics were very similar to yesterdays call. Check it here for the stories, some insights into wrestlers lifes and a personal invite for a Japan tour -

The wait is over

I think it took around 4-5 hours for Tobias-g to select, which sales are valid and start the distribution. The packs were trickling in, depending on the block they were bought in. Some already had 2-300 packs in their valid, when I saw my first 100 appear in Hive-Engine. A few more minutes and there it was!

I bought my 200 Alpha Packs!

That was it, mission accomplished!

Since then all of us received the same amount of Reward packs with incredible drops. I even opened a GB Mad Mike from a few alpha packs.
And today was the day, when the last big event happened. Sonny Onoo's finally dropped. If you were lucky enough to buy packs on the General Sale, then here is how to check if you got any airdrops :

I got 3, which is less then expected, but I'm still happy about it!


That is how you can entertain a crowd for at least 3 weeks with 1 sale! Thanks @wrestorgonline!

Welcome to the WOO Family

That was all for today. I hope you liked this overview and if you are missing any content, then feel free to ask, or jump into the WOO discord channel

I finisher an overview of the game mechanics, it contains 4 blog posts. You can check them out here, this is the first episode: Shows.

Here is also my Ticket Counting Tool link if you want to know how many tickets you got on your collection and how much chance you have on a hourly/daily basis.

Graphical assets created by WOO team and adjusted by me if needed.