WOO's Raven Interview! How did The Raven come to be?

in WOOGame28 days ago

A Big Hello to all WOO Fans! 🥳🥳🥳 WOO!

It looks like the WOO interviews with Wrestling Shoot Interviews (WSI) are back after a brief hiatus. This time, it is WOO's second ever wrestling partner, Raven, who takes the spotlight.


This interview was actually conducted during WOO's very successful WrestleCon event. Here's a quick summary for those who want to know the rough outline before they commit about 8 mins to watching it. 😜

Basically, the interview is about Raven discussing the inspiration and creation of his wrestling character. How did the person once known as Johnny Polo and Scotty Flamingo (I know... the names are ridiculous! LOL! 🤣), become The Raven?

Inspiration for Raven Character:

Raven enjoyed being a "chicken heel" but felt the role was no longer viable in wrestling. DDP (Diamond Dallas Page) suggested an alternative, more grunge-inspired look, drawing from cultural influences like the Red Hot Chili Peppers and the movie "Point Break." So, he incorporated his real-life style—ripped jeans, leather jackets, and concert t-shirts—into his character and used his personal pain to shape the character’s voice and persona.

Creation of the Character:

The complete look and persona, including the name Raven and the catchphrase “quote The Raven never more,” came together quickly, within a few minutes. He wanted a versatile appearance, using different band t-shirts for variety and a leather jacket for consistency. He wore shirts from bands he liked, such as Dinosaur Jr., and others just because he liked the designs. Some shirts were given to him by fans or bands.

Theme Music:

His ECW theme "Come Out and Play" by The Offspring was chosen for its fitting lyrics and memorable intro that excited the crowd.
For WCW, he worked with Jimmy Hart to produce a similar but legally distinct version using a guitar riff inspired by Lynyrd Skynyrd’s "That Smell."

Relationship with Paul Heyman:

Raven also spoke highly of Paul Heyman, stating that Heyman treated him well, paid him fairly, and that they did some of their best work together in ECW. There was however a period of estrangement when he left ECW, but they eventually reconciled.

AND... that's basically it! If all this sounds interesting to you, go to the youtube video linked below to give it a watch on your own. Remember to like and share to show Raven and WSI your support!

Well, that's it for today. We will continue again tomorrow! 😁 WOO! 🎉

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Wrestling Organization Online is an upcoming play-to-earn NFT business management game on the Hive blockchain and they are committed to positively influencing the industry by directly promoting wrestlers and offering a new income opportunity through sales of NFT packs.



The main reason I got into WOO was pretty much thanks to @thebeardflex and the PIZZA community! PIZZA is a close partner of WOO @wrestorgonline and was one of the first buyers into the Alpha Presale. 🍕 CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE PIZZA DISCORD 🍕

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Nice share.

Thanks again! 😜 !PIZZA !LOL !PGM !KING !LUV


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THanks for sharing bro!

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Happy to share again! 😜 !PIZZA !LOL !PGM !KING !LUV





An origin story in woo. :)


I'm sure all the promo partners have their own! 😜 !PIZZA !LOL !PGM !KING !LUV

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