
I think my favorite of all time is "The UnderTaker" and love his 3rd wife I think michelle mccool but that was like 20+ years ago I dont know his new wife name.

He still has Michelle tattooed on his neck so she matters to him

Wow did not knew thanks for the information so this means she is still his wife.

I'm pretty sure but I'll look that up and let you know

Hey tommorow I will choose you as a beneficiarry 100% for hp powerup. I will do this to get a badge from @hivebuzz as it is part of power up day.

Wait really 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 damn is good to have some rich friends 😂😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥰 thanks so much buddy

If that post does not get into curation by the whales still I think you get 0.15 to 0.20 hp so I will try my best to get as much as hp as possible on it tomorrow.

Thank you so much my friend.