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RE: owl (better with googly eyes)

in GooglyEyes4 years ago

and six months later... I get to see this owly googlyness...

this is actually the first ever post in the googlyeyes community a.k.a. #hive-191746 ... can't help but think this is a weird and clumsy solution for communities..

fun fact, @mathowl posted the first #googlyeyes on hive, what a coincidence you'll both forever be firsties :D

that's two owls and one qwerrie!


well, er.... by the way, that owl marked me 1st time using the readymade eyes i've got from aliexpress (I planned to receive my package about Christmas time, but it happened in late February only). and as always I was postponing my post about that (I took some happy pictures of me and the package), and then, it all became meaningless on Steemit.

I dont share your hesitation and doubts about dedicated communities. I am (in a bad way perhaps!) optimistic about this road to go. why not?

of course, it is not a must. we can 'milk up' any other channels that benefit our posts better and simply use the #googlyeyes tag, as we did it before. maybe the community thing suits well for other subjects, than this one. I really dont know, and it doesnt bother me too much.

that's two owls and one qwerrie!

a nice coincidence, indeed. !BEER plus !ENGAGE 50

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well, er.... by the way, that owl marked me 1st time using the readymade eyes i've got from aliexpress (I planned to receive my package about Christmas time, but it happened in late February only). and as always I was postponing my post about that (I took some happy pictures of me and the package), and then, it all became meaningless on Steemit.

I dont share your hesitation and doubts about dedicated communities. I am (in a bad way perhaps!) optimistic about this road to go. why not?

of course, it is not a must. we can 'milk up' any other channels that benefit our posts better and simply use the #googlyeyes tag, as we did it before. maybe the community thing suits well for other subjects, than this one. I really dont know, and it doesnt bother me too much.

that's two owls and one qwerrie!

a nice coincidence, indeed. !BEER plus !ENGAGE 50

Hey @googlyeyes, here is a little bit of BEER from @qwerrie for you. Enjoy it!

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