My Favorite Thing About Terracore

in terracore11 months ago


With most other idle clicker games, you don’t have much flexibility in terms of when you are able to play. Everything is usually done on some kind of timer and you may be able to spend money to reduce that but it’s not a core functionality of the game.

With Terracore, One of my favorite things is the fact that you can claim at any time and multiple times a day. You can even claim back to back which I have done on many instances if I have several attacks that go well.

There is something about the convenience that I really appreciate. I know not all idle clickers can be like this, mainly because they would be designed differently, but that is what differentiates Terracore from the others.

So far I have really been enjoying my journey with the game and if you read my last post you know that I am going heavily into offense so that I can make attacks whenever it’s convenient and then easily claim afterwards. So far I think it’s going great!

How has your experience with the game been so far?


I agree Terracore is a very well thought out idle game and I like it for many of the same reasons as you. Another thing I like about it is what I perceive as the perfect amount of complexity. Enough for it not to get boring, but not too much to make it overwhelming.

Speaking of convenience, (I'm sure you already know about it, but just in case you don't)-- did you try playing through yet? It allows you to attack and claim in the same operation. And it works on mobile too!

I did not know, thx for the heads up! I only recently learned about Terracorehub and need to spend more time there checking things out.

Good to hear you like that feature and that you are enjoying the game as well. All the best!


Thank you! Do you play?

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