Terracore 50 SCRAP | Giveaway #242 - Ends in 2 day

in terracorelast month


Welcome friends, to my giveaway!

This weekend, I had a couple of things on my to-do list, and one of them was hitting up the local market to find something. Traditional markets are always buzzing with life, you know? The vendors shouting their deals, the honking of passing cars, and that constant background noise from the market broadcasts. It's noisy but lively. I was looking to buy a cheap raincoat since my old one recently gave out, and with the rainy season kicking in, I couldn't risk getting soaked. Checked out several stores, but man, their raincoats were way overpriced. Even online shops were out of my budget. So, I decided to try my luck at the market. After browsing around, I spotted some really cheap ones, but the quality was pretty poor. Finally, I managed to find one at a reasonable price, and that wrapped up my mission.

This weekend probably had quite a few people jolting awake from their slumber, right? Bitcoin nearly dipped below sixty grand out of nowhere, which definitely caught me off guard. But what really surprised me was $Hive suddenly shooting up by about 25%. I mean, what's the deal with that? Did Hive Games make some major breakthrough? With Hive on the rise, some gaming assets saw a slight increase too. Some folks seized the opportunity to cash out, causing a bit of market panic. But hey, selling off and leaving is just part of the game, right? Plus, there are others jumping back into the market. Let's wait and see how it all plays out.

Giveaway Rules

If you wish to participate:

  • Please leave a comment with your Terracore username (include @), and only one comment per user.
  • Upvote, Re-blog and Tipping are not required, but I appreciated if you do.
  • I will be using the Random Picker to determine the eligible winner and the winner will be announced later.


Winner Announcement

Congratulations @ladymisa
Link to the last giveaway: @circlebubble/terracore-50-scrap-or-giveaway-241-ends-in-2-day




If you want to stay updated on future giveaways, be sure to follow me. Also, please be cautious of clicking on any links in the comments as they may be phishing links.


Thanks for reading my murmur, If you want to start playing below Games, please use my referral link, it may give you a better start and please follow me if you want to get updates of future planned giveaways.

Rising Star
King Of Duels
Big Dog Bone
Stardom Play
Drug Wars



This post has been supported by @Terraboost with a 70% upvote! Delagate HP to Terraboost to Earn Daily HIVE rewards for supporting the @Terracore community!

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add me pls @ladymisa :)

Count me in again 👍🏻 Thanks! @blitzzzz

count me in



Mis saludos.
Cuenta conmigo para participar.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
osomar357 tipped circlebubble
@amaari(7/15) tipped @circlebubble
