Terracore adventure the beginning

in terracorelast year

Ok, so I'm new not only to Terracore, but to games on Hive in general. I used to play some online games both card ones (Hearthstone) and browser based ones (DarkThrone, Redragon and few more). I was good only at the DarkThrone, where I had a great alliance of people. At its peak 50k of people played it. It was switched off a year or two ago.
Didn't have much time to play anymore but a mobile game appeared on my schedule from time to time.

the Terracore

And here I am, beginning with #terracore and the experience has been... not so good so far. It looks like, I will never get my funds back.
I wanted to check it out earlier, but there was little info about it. Found one unhelpful YouTube review, but in general I have decided to hop in only because other user, whom I trust enough not to referr me for the mere advantages of referral, told me he plays it.

The game sites describe the game pretty poorly and if I had the info now I have I don't think I would spend 27 Hive on it. Let alone sending more funds.

A trial, a demo version, a testnet version would be great. Maybe an open day once or twice a year? (let me get to that subject later on).
It was difficult at the very beginning to know what's what. Yes, there were descriptions, but I wish I was told not to click attack or claim so fast and multiple times. A YT video playing at the beginning would suffice I think.


I think my stats represent the level of my investment so nothing really to boast about.

  • Stash size 20,
  • Favor 2
  • Engineering 6
  • Damage 60
  • Defence 70

Of this, at least IMHO, I might be proud of this. Of course, I need to and will improve the percentage because I used up the attacks at the beginning right away.

What I don't understand is, why the following happened. I had 2 attacks available, I clicked the 'Attack & Claim' button. Why there is such a difference in results while the number of scrap holdings are very similar to each other in the users to attack top.


What are my plans?

Will boost defence, engineering, damage in that particular order.

The Open Days

What if @terracorehub @asgarth opened the game for a day once or twice a year. Yeah, it will definitely lower the income from citizenship purchases, but surely will enlarge user base exponentially and create additional demand for scrap.
You can always cancel the thing if the results will not be satisfactory.

You can also create a separate account holding funds to reimburse sales drop. You can advertise this promotion on Hive and set this account as a beneficiary. It's an idea worth pursuing.

I guess other users (expecting additional demand for scrap) would support and upvote this thing.


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@deepresearch a to jest chyba konto deva. Idzie chyba w innym kierunku


Może ma jakieś multi, ale crypto gnome rozwija ten projekt solo.

To jest też ciekawy element tej gry, że z optymalna strategia na tę grę ewoluuje bardzo mocno wraz z wyborami co do rozwoju indywidualnych graczy. Strategia agresywna też może być ok, teoretycznie ATT można rozwijać solo, czyli dwa razy mniejszy wydatek niż ENG+DEF, są gracze, którzy w ciągu nocy zbierają po 80-120 SCRAP, jak ktoś się potrafi przyczaić to może to zgarnąć jeśli jest w w stanie konkurować ATT versus DEF innych.

Teraz przeczytałem cały wpis. Na ilość zrabowanego SCRAP wpływa RNG. Nie pamiętam jednak dokładnego wzoru, tam parę razy coś się zmieniało. No i dodge daje szansę na całkowite uniknięcie ataku.


Random Number Generator

I remember I claimed a lot of small amounts my first day and wasted them all too fast as well. It's new for all of us so I think we're all really 'playing by ear'. Your stats are close to mine. Keep grinding! I'm focusing entirely on building my Favor right now.

I also will, but I want to get 2 items before and up my engineering