Another week, Another post prompt...In honor of Cyber Monday

in Earn, Spend, Give8 months ago


My thanks to all the regular members who wrote on last weeks post prompt about saving data on your cellphone plan. Some wrote about how to save money when purchasing the data while others wrote on how to save data so you use less in the first place!

So to


Thank you for being regular contributors

and to @supernova004

Thank you for joining the crew :)

and to @emreal and @jmis101 remember you are always welcome here ;)

This weeks post prompt

And this week we have a new topic to write about.

In honor of Cyber Monday shopping.

Please tell me about online shopping in your area.

Is it common?
It is hard to do or easy?
Do you pay by credit card or cash on delivery?

What services do you pay for online? Do you buy goods and have them shipped to your door? Food? Transportation? Games and Cell data?

The options are limitless and I would love to hear all about it.


I'm not really fussy about any particular rules but I will set some guidelines.

First: I'll be splitting at least 400 GLD tokens among those people who write a post within the next week. Anyone who posts AFTER I distribute the weekly rewards, well, you'll just get a piece of the following weeks prize :) I'll do my best to see that no good post goes unrewarded.

Second: I check the community at the end of the week AND whenever I'm tagged in a post. So, if you happen to add @terganftp into the body of what you write I'll do my best to curate the post with a little help from the #hivepakistan crew (thanks guys!). However, they only let me curate two posts daily so if you see two good posts in a day you might want to wait 24hrs so yours can get curated too.

Not required just a suggestion.

Third: I'm super strict about having to have images, word count or other formatting things. Please credit images you use. One good image so you have a thumbnail is probably a good idea. 500word minimum if you want it curated by #hivepakistan. However, any good honest effort post (no chatgpt) is eligible to be rewarded with GLD tokens at the end of the week.

Fourth: Everyone is welcome. New member? No problem. Not subscribing to the channel? No problem. Don't want to hold the GLD coins? Head over to and use the liquidity pool to switch them over to HIVE tokens.

Everyone is welcome

Hope you join in :)


Thank God, I saw this, I have the thought of the community in mind since last week, though I have not been too strong lately. Thanks so much for tagging me sir, it's such a privilege. I will soon drop my entry. @supernova004, we are excited to have you here🥰

Thanks, man.
I'm glad to be here

You are welcome boss 🥰

Thank you for this honest post, I don't know about this. I only came to know through @jmis101 post that I read now. Hope is not late for me to participate.

Is not late ma'am.
Hoping to see your entry soon.

Thank you for joining in. Never too late. The worst that happens is you get pushed into the nextg weeks rewards :)

Wow, am going to write it today

We go again this week

Only if you want to but it is my goal that every week there is another post prompt 😀

Who knows maybe in time the community will get bigger by until then I'm happy having a few friends drop by and say HI 👋

No problem, that's the goal. It will surely get bigger one day.

Intended join last week's discussion but somehow missed it. Will join the fun for this week

Another one.
I'm definitely in on this. Together we're building this community.
Expect my entry.

Beautiful, thank you for the guide, it is useful, necessary and needed.