glimpsytips.dex cross-posted this post in Faceoff 5 months ago

Fitness Friday Challenges on the FreeCompliments Community!

We recently introduced the Fitness Fridays themed day, and as part of this themed day, we promised some fitness challenges! We’ve now created a new community account specifically for posting these challenges.

Friday Fitness Challenges

We’re going to publish a small challenge for people to achieve every week, so that they ave incentive to get into better shape and to post about their achievements every Friday. These challenges are intended to be achievable, and can help build those who need a bit of motivation build up their basic strength and endurance over time.

Additionally, we’re going to include a weekly prize of 1 HSBI to the best Fitness Friday post for those who are able to complete the challenge! This prize will increase over time as the account’s earnings increase, so in the future expect prizes of 2 HSBI, 3 HSBI, etc.

Some Precautions & Safety Warnings

I’m going to have these written in very Fitness Friday Challenge post, but I’d like to reiterate them here as well, because this is very important:
When doing any exercise, pay attention to form first and foremost. Proper form is important for the purposes of safety and so that you can get the most out of the exercise. Improper form can lead to injuries and also decreases the efficacy of the exercise.
It is normal to feel muscle fatigue, and when approaching the end of a set, a bit of “burning” as you’re completing the movement. That burning sensation often comes from lactic acid buildup, and you’ll recognize it as you continue doing repetitions – it tends to go away pretty quickly once you finish the exercise.
If you feel sharp pain at any point, then immediately cease the challenge and go see a doctor as soon as you can. Do not push through sharp pain, or you risk worsening a potential injury.

Post of the Month, Compliment of the Month, and Non-Compliment Comment of the Month Contest

For anyone wondering what happened to this contest this month – I’ll be posting this sometime tomorrow. There have been so many amazing posts and comments from which to choose that narrowing down the nominations has been quite a task. Please forgive the delay!

What do you think of these challenges? Are there any changes you’d suggest?

I would love to hear any and all opinions about these topics from everyone who is currently a member of FreeCompliments, since you’re all inaugural members! Anyone else who finds this page is also very welcome to voice their opinion. We’re all about free speech, and everyone’s experience has value.

More posts with further ideas incoming soon!

Disclaimer: FreeCompliments will be a beneficiary for this post, and I will attempt to boost it via Ecency points as well.

Follow our curation trail and earn 1 HSBI per month!

Here’s a permanent invite link to the FreeCompliments Discord!

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