Animal Sunday - How different are cats!

in BlockChainPhoto2 years ago (edited)

What goes on in cats' minds? I'm trying to figure it out.
I talk to them imaginatively and take photos of them in real life.
Taken with my Lumix FZ82 camera.

Me: "What a beauty you are! Come on, I caress you! Why are you climbing on the roof? Don't be afraid! Wait a minute, I'll take out my camera. Just a photo, nothing else!"

White cat: "Can't I be safe on the roof anymore? What an insolence that this woman wants to photograph me at all costs! Doesn't she have a better thing to do? How about I jump around her neck and scratch her with my sharp claws?"




Me: "Hello, Kitty, how are you? I see you love sunbathing!"

White-Tabby cat: "Finally someone to deal with me! I’m just asking for a caress, but if you have some delicious canned fish, I’ll accept it too. How good you smell, I want to go with you. Is there enough space in your backpack?"

Me: "You're a very cute cat, but I can't take you with me. You can have a much better, freer life here than in a city apartment, locked between four walls. But I'll come to you again, don't worry!"



A challenge by @homeartpictures:
Monday: Macro
Tuesday: Sunset & Sunrise
Wednesday: Black & White
Thursday: People
Friday: Landscape
Saturday: Flowers
Sunday: Animals