Painting inspired by music and musicians. ๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽจ

in Q Inspired-by-Music โ€ข last month

miniatura ivo.jpg

Music is art and can inspire other types of art. In my case, whenever I design or paint, music accompanies me.

A few days ago I made a post mentioning someone very dear in my family and a hiver @nanixxx with his words brought to my mind an inspiration I had in music and that is why today I am writing for you.

In this particular case this painting you see in the first image was inspired by a great musician, who may not have been known worldwide, but was very dear to my family.

Ivo 054.jpg

His name was Ivo Scaccia, he played the bandoneon and very well. Above all, he delighted with his music at family and friends' gatherings. In the last years of his life he was always accompanied by his son, they both played.

He loved music, tango, milongas and was always surrounded by it.

Although my family knew him before I was born, I met him about five years before he died.

He was different, he suffered a lot because of his skin cancer, operations where he had grafts on his face. All because of the fertilisers and chemicals he used where he worked. But music was always his refuge. Nature and music were his loves.

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He would ask me to listen to music from another era, to put it on the computer. He always asked me for a lot of music, he wanted to be able to listen to it all the time. He would bring me old cassettes for me to repair. The tapes were dubbed and I would do what I could. I would try to transfer that same music to CDs.

When I went to his house, there wasn't a moment when I didn't hear tango.

He played the bandoneon, and he played excellent even though he was almost 80 years old.

His birthday was coming up and one day he came home with his precious German bandoneon, one of the best, and he wanted to play for us, my family and me.

I never thought he would talk about this, so I have no record of that precise moment, but it is as if I saw him playing in front of me right now.

Ivo 050.jpg

My house was filled with music, it resonated in my heart. And that goes beyond whether I like tango or not. Some songs I do like, but not all tango.

What I can tell you is that, at that moment, my heart was beating in unison with that bandoneon.

Ivo was happy to be able to share what he loved most with us. At that very moment, listening to his music, I knew what present I would give him for his birthday.

I didn't have much time and I had to get down to work. Because oil paint takes time to dry.

Ivo loved music, he loved horses, he loved nature. He loved horses as much as I did. His music that day told me what to do.

Ivo 059.jpg

The painting was in my head, I had to make a painting with a bandoneon, a horse and a horseshoe. I had it in my mind and it was that day when he played the bandoneon for me that I knew.

I painted each key of the bandoneon with a lot of love, I knew that his joy would have no limit, because the music would be painted with him. It would be a great memory.

Each muscle of the horse's face, brushstroke by brushstroke, together with the wood of the bandoneon, made a perfect blend.

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I can still see his happy face when the presents had to be handed out, when he took off the wrapping paper. The emotion was so great, mine and his. He was like my grandfather.

That day at the surprise party he played his bandoneon and everyone there was happy to see him with his music and great joy.

The photographs are not of excellent quality. It was the year 2009. And they are the ones I was able to rescue from near death, they were somewhat damaged.

That painting inspired by the music of a bandoneon and a great musician, today is in the hands of his son who also loves music very much and follows the path of his father in that sense.


I am happy that it is in the hands of someone who appreciates it very much, because a painting is part of me. Each brushstroke with oil on the wood and the hours, many hours of work derive from that day, that moment, when I only had ears to listen to La Cumparsita by Juan D'Arienzo but in the hands and interpretation of Ivo.

Juan D'Arienzo was one of his favourites, along with Canaro, Susi Leiva and Osvaldo Pugliese's orchestra, whose favourite song was Desde el Alma.




I can still hear him playing in front of me and see me painting remembering that moment, plus the happiness in his eyes to see that gift.

Music inspires many things, and within them other types of art such as painting.

A big greeting to all of you and see you next time.

All photographs are my own.
Used translator free version.

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Thank you so much @indiaunited and @steemflow ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Hello dear friend @avdesing, I loved your post, very emotional; It is true that music is very inspiring and a companion to great moments.
The work that you have done with a lot of love turned out great, what a beautiful gift.
I appreciate you sharing this beautiful reminder.
A huge hug for the whole family

It was beautiful to make that rule, with all love for that special person. Thank you very much @jlufer for being always present.๐Ÿ˜ƒ

It's good that your knowledge of that dear person allowed you to choose the things that he represents the most and you have included it in your beautiful work @avdesing

He inspired the painting with his music and it was beautiful. Thank you very much @miprimerconcurso ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

The inspiration made its way ๐ŸŽถ

The horse is beautiful, no surprise you love them so much - so you also paint them perfectly ๐Ÿ˜Ž

This gift was a moment of happiness, both to him and you when you saw his emotions, I can indeed imagine the feeling!

I have just arrived from ... collecting stones hahaha

That day was exciting and while I was painting it too. When I heard him play the bandoneon, it was very exciting for me and shocking.

Thank you very much @mipiano! It was a pleasure to bring this inspiration!โค๏ธ

What a beautiful memory, God rest his soul and may he continue playing the bandoneon from heaven โค๏ธ

The painting you gave him for his birthday is beautiful, how interesting that his music inspired you to do it and how you managed to capture what was in your mind in a painting very well done, this is art ๐Ÿ˜

I loved this memory, 2009 sounds so far away...

When I saw the date of the painting I couldn't believe it, so much time had passed and I found videos that I filmed on his birthday, but that's another subject. That painting meant a lot to me and to him. Thank you Yami!โค๏ธ

Nice tribute to a beloved person. I liked the painting and loved the theme "Nostalgia". A hug @avdesing

Yes, he was a special person, very much so, and that gift was perfect. He loved that music, I chose his favourites. Thank you very much @enraizar โœจ

Thanks to you, every day we get to know you a little more. A hug and good afternoon.

They say, by their works ye shall know them. Many thanks to you.

Eso es; buenas noches @avdesign

Buenas noches!โœจ

Ah, pero si estรกs ahรญ ๐Ÿ˜ƒ. Buenas noches y hasta maรฑana.

I have been impressed by your words and the love that emanates from them. A hug, you gave a wonderful gift, but I know that your presence in Ivo's life was always the greatest gift. ๐Ÿ’ซ

He was a great person, who exuded a love for what he did and always wanted to teach it and for others to enjoy it.... I think I hear his voice. I know he would like this post. Thank you @nanixxx โค๏ธ


A big hug, it's always a pleasure to read you.


Nice what you have written to remember the man who dedicated his life to music and tango. Thank you for sharing, in particular I like it very much. My regards friend.๐Ÿ˜โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ

Thank you very much, I really loved the music and enjoyed it. Thank you @mamani โค๏ธ

Hi, I like music, I hope to learn to play an instrument and compose melodies.๐Ÿ‘

Surely yes Cholito, everything can be learned! Thank you very much!