Never Give Up

in Q Inspired-by-Music4 months ago

“Maybe I should just stop writing or maybe I should just stop taking this course” These thoughts have been going through my head most days and I must say I feel like giving up. I get extremely frustrated most times, more like I am drowning and need to take a break from life and everything. It hasn’t been easy trying to do things.


A few days back, I developed a headache from overthinking and I was experiencing writer's block, where I couldn’t come up with anything to write. I kept staring into space but I couldn’t do anything. I just decided to give myself time off from thinking about it. I think I was overwhelmed by so many things at that point as I had my assignment and it needed me to watch a series of videos before I would be able to design the given assignment.

I decided to take a walk because I knew that would help relieve me from the stress I was going through. Taking a walk alone was the best decision I made because I just plugged in my AirPods and was walking through the estate.
As usual, I decided to let Spotify do its thing and play random songs for me, I just selected a genre, not my playlist this time.


When NEVER GIVE UP by Sia started playing, I felt like this was what I needed to hear. Something to motivate me and push me forward. Listening to the lyrics, I felt relieved and relaxed. I had no choice but to put the song on repeat, to play over and over again till the lyrics sank in my heart and my head. Immediately felt better and I quickly added Never Give Up by Sia to my playlist.

NEVER GIVE UP by Sia was released in 2016 it’s one of her songs from the album Lion. It’s a soundtrack in the movie Lion. That talks more about motivation and how no matter what, we just need to find our way and never give up.

I'll keep gettin' up when I hit the ground
Oh, never give up, no, never give up no, no, oh

There is a quote I learned from my uncle when I was little, he said that falling isn’t bad what is bad is falling and staying down, without getting up to dust yourself and moving ahead. Most times, we get so down that we feel like giving up. There have been times I felt like giving up on certain things but I just realized that what I need to do is keep getting up and never giving up.


Giving up is like losing everything and I think I have come so closer to my dreams and aspirations to give up now. Just this one song made me feel alive again. It made me feel motivated more like I got this. After listening to this song on repeat, I returned home and I felt much better. I got a clear mind and I was so shocked that I was able to work on my assignment properly.

On this side of my world, “There’s no Giving up”.

All images used are mine except otherwise stated

Thanks for stopping by💕
Cheers 🥂

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


No one has ever succeeded by giving up. Stay strong and fight. It's good the music helped you to pull through


Thank you ☺️

I really love the song when I recall I let my graduates sang that song because the lyrics bring so much meaning in our life. I hope that you fell better now my dear @beeeee, just give time to relax if you need to and continue doing if you are not in the good mood.

Thank you so much for this nice reply, I feel so much better now☺️

I listen to Sia alot but I've never heard this song before. I love how Spotify always does it's thing, it's nice that the song came up at the time it did because you needed it.
I hope you're better now

Yes girl!! I feel much better now, thank you☺️

You're welcome 🤗

Giving up isn't an option, we must try to push ourselves not to give up because we have people coming up to us and we have ourselves coming up to us. Glad that song came up at the right time you needed it.

Thank you Tari, the song really helped

This is a very beautiful song with a good write-up to go. Giving up is never an option.

Our motto is No Surrender ... in other words no giving up B with the 5 e's ... and you want to learn crypto things on top of all you do 🤣

😂😂😂😂😂 I will scale through 😂

Yay! 🤗
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