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RE: Meeting your favourite musician - Which one?

in Q Inspired-by-Music β€’ last year

That's a massive amount of peeps you met. But yea, when working right in the middle of the industry, it is hard to not meet them πŸ˜‰

Love the way you handled the Motorhead guy. Darn, artists! Not generalising ofc. Wouldnt want to upset anybody. Have some artists friends myself and can assure you (all), a (wrong) attitude isn't standard. But am not telling you anything new here πŸ˜‰

Sarah: well, she will always be your best memory. Minimalistic engagement is perhaps the best. Well, it shows you respect peeps even when they are artists πŸ˜† Have a very similar approach. When artists or other more than unknown peeps, like a conversation, I continue, but when somehow I feel I invade someone's space, I back out super quickly.

Say hi to the Kidney stones and tell them edje said: "Back Out" πŸ˜‰