Most time people assume that being successful is all that matters, but is really the case? What ever it may be, I am of the opinion that one cannot understand a so called successful man except the person finds him/herself in his/her shoes. In most cases, the imaginary benefits of being successful clouds our judgement. In some cases, it even causes us to feel entitled to things that are absolutely not ours. But then, you cannot understand another except you wear his/her shoe.

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It is absolutely normal to expect more from someone who have more to offer, but knowing how much one got to offer is more complicated than it seem. From the first time I heard the song "hustle" by Teni, I completely fell in love with it. I might be wrong though, but I believe the artist was just shearing her life and the pressure that comes along with her being a celebrity. Sometimes the expectation becomes even more than the person involved can offer.

Hustle by Toni

Every human being that their is have got one pressure or the other to deal with, all one need to do is to understand how to handle it. One must not allow his/her pressure drown him/her, we must learn to understand that people may never understand. The second sentence of the song hustle is probably the most touching for me: "sometimes it feels like success is a trap". In the part of the world were I come from, it is normal and usual for people to feel entitled to the wealth of one successful relative or the other. Being an older siblings alone implies that your younger siblings will rely on you to a certain extent, and that can be really tiring. Here, even being an elder brother can even even be considered a trap😀.

Personally, I have got lots of pressure to deal with as an individual. Among every of it, family is the most demanding. Over here in Nigeria, we value family a lot. This could be said to be the reason while some expect so much even from their [wealthy] distanced uncles and aunties😀. In my own case though, it is limited just to my immediate family. The fact that it pains me to watch any of my [younger] siblings go through hardship of any form in already enough pressure. In many occasions, I have had to withdraw HBD from my savings or even borrow from friends to see that my siblings (most especially those in school) fend well. And their are so many others like me...

The demands from my siblings is nothing I cannot handle, it is in fact never demanded for in many occasions. But then, their are so many who have more expectants than they should, those who do not have up to what is being demanded of them. If you find yourself in such a shoe, just do what you ought to do. And most importantly, no it that you are not indempted to anyone; except your heart says otherwise. "You must offer only what you should, so that you do not offer more than you can..." One love ✌️.



Well said brother. We dwell too much on people we deem to be 'successful' forgetting the fact that we all have our own struggles. There's one thing I always say in life: "We are all on our own" this statement always reminds of the fact that I need to work my way to the top no matter what. siblings and relatives may help offset some of our problems, few of them to be precise. The majority however, is bridled upon our shoulders.

Nice write-up.

You have got an amazing mentality @chuksmeezy. You are absolutely right, "we are all on our own". I guess I would start telling that to myself too...

That a nice song with an important message. I love it.

The wellbeing of family is paramount and occupies a special place in the heart of a man. May our efforts yield positive results.