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RE: To him, it was just a stupid crush

in Q Inspired-by-Music • 2 months ago

So sad😢. It must have been really hurtful. Not everyone have the mind to walk up to their crush, but you did and was disappointed. I also had a crush once, we were best of friends but I never said a word to her about it. I was afraid of being turned down. You are very courageous lady @iskawrites


I am sorry you had to live with yours to save your friendship with the girl. That's more courageous.

Thank you much @iskawrites

Her name is Agatha. I probably will tell her that I once had a crush on her one of these days. Funny enough she is still a good friend...

What will you if you find out she felt the way?

It's now all in the past.
But I really do not have answer to that though...

It's alright.