Let's talk about why God made Mamas 🥰❤

An Angel asked, how can God be everywhere? God smiled and created mothers by Unknown

This has been my favorite quote about mothers for a while now.

I have been reading a lot of heartfelt posts dedicated to mothers from various hivers across the globe since Sunday. Isn't it just beautiful reading how great so many Moms are?


And it got me thinking about my Mom and her unconditional love and sacrifice right from when I was little till this very moment.

All the time she knows just what I need, all her calls encouraging me even when we are a thousand miles apart. All her prayers for me to be safe and succeed in my endeavor. The way she always believes and supports my dreams. For being there for me when I was afraid, for teaching me to love myself, And for her endless worries over me. And the list goes on and on...

I thought of a perfect song to dedicate to her and I found this beauty called Mamas by Anne Wilson featuring Hillary Scott.

So, here is a song for the most important women in my life, my darling mother and my amazing mother-in-law. And if you are a mother reading this I want you to know that this one's for you as well. For your sleepless nights, for your everlasting love, for all those times things got very tough but you kept standing tall. For the struggle you tell no one about. And for all the love you truly deserve.

If you need a perfect song to be played for your lovely mom, just to put a beautiful smile on her face, because she deserves it and more. This one's for you as well.

And for those of us who happen to have lost our moms, I want to remind you that though they are no longer here physically, they are always with you in spirit and watching over you from above.

I don't know why God made living life down here so hard to do
Yeah, I don't know a lot of things
But I know why God made mamas 'cause He knew I needed you.

Truly, everyone needs his or her mama,

This song is felt in the depths of my heart, it simply describes everything a mama is to her child.

Everything about the song is beautiful, the lyrics and the performance are so great they will leave you shaking your body, smiling, and singing along.

And I have this second song from Underwood, dedicated to my mother specifically for always teaching me to do the right things. For showing me what is wrong and what is right, for guiding me to the right path. And having to watch me leave and start my own family.

Dear, mama, don't you worry, he is good and he keeps all his promises to me.

It is a very hard thing for parents to watch their kids leave home to start their own family, and yet they have no choice but to watch their kids leave to start a new life. They say their goodbyes with tears of joy in their eyes and prayers in their hearts.

This song talks about how you hold your little child and before you know it, they are grown up and you start wondering where all the time goes.

As a mother, I watch my little Boy grow. I see changes every day, and I know in my heart that everything is just so brief and the best I can do now is to enjoy every bit of the moment because he is not going to be little for long.



Oh my Mother, you are the queen of my heart, loving you is so easy because it comes to me naturally.

Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for your support, do have a great time at your end.🙏🥰😊



This is indeed extraordinary, Our mother's definitely deserve every praise we could think of and you have done beyond expected, I just wish she is able to see this post and watch how grateful you are for all her sacrifices.

Thank you very much @emrysjobber the only way my Mom could read this is is by reading it to her when next I visit her, we currently lives in a different city far away from one another.


emrysjobber, funshee sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/4) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

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Saying goodbye to me by my mother when I was leaving to start my own home left her with tears. She understands the journey I was embarking and till date, she never turns her back on me. She is always there to guide and Advice me tightly. This is why motherhood journey is a long one,I doubt if it ends because even as the children turn to adults, they are still performing their motherhood duties
This first song sank into my heart and I was only smiling 😊
Such a heart felt message for mothers
Thanks for sharing @funshee 🤗💚

May God preserve your Mom and every mama out there doing their best for their families.
I'm very happy to know, the first song put a smile on your face. You deserve it and more 😊❤❤❤❤

This is beautiful, @funshee. Your mum will be so proud of you. These songs are awesome, and I love them. Mothers are rare gems, and knowing we all will be/ already mothers is amazing.

Have a good day.

God be praised 👏 for giving us such rare gems.

Thank Sis for visiting ❤🙏 !LUV

balikis95, funshee sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/4) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

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Yeah, only He is worthy of such praise. You are welcome 😊

Congratulations, you received an ecency upvote through the curator @sahi1. Keep spreading love through ecency

Thank you so much for your support 🙏🙏😊

Yeah, God made mothers because he knew we needed them. They Angels in human forms.

Thank you for the song, I am already in love with the lyrics. I will find a way to download it

You are right Sis😊, im glad you like the song. !LUV

queenkong, funshee sent you LUV. 🙂 (2/4) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

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Congratulations for having a lovely mother. I can testify to that. The love is evergreen and I will continue to appreciate what she is doing for us. May her days be long in good health. I am sure that you took after him in making sure that the wellbeing of our son is your priority. More strength, darling.

Thank you babe, we are blessed to still have our two amazing mothers in our lives. May God keep them for long and in great health.

Ameen. 💯❤️

These are very beautiful songs for mother's, I love that you're shared them here. Truly mother's are beautiful souls that deserve the best, and yes God knows what is best for us and that's why he made mother's with the heart they have. It's nice to see the deep appreciation you have for your mom, truly she deserves the best 🌺🌺🌺

Every good mother deserves our deep appreciation because we can never really pay them back for their sacrifice.

Thank you very much for appreciating the songs I enjoyed them very much myself and I'm glad to share.