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RE: Find your old photo albums - you will need them!

Now that you found your old photo albums, you can join the LOH topic hehe. .
It saddened me thinking about my lost old photographs.. The oldest I kept was from 2011 onwards I guess.. Only a few left taken when I was still a student...



You have already used the number of tips you had for the day. Please try again tomorrow or buy more LOH tokens to send more tips.

I am lucky that I still have some of those photos when I was baby haha. But we had less photos back in time. Like one small album for almost the whole childhood.

Oh, what is the LOH topic? Also related to old photo albums? No, don't tell me, I am going to check it :D

It's about youngest memory.. Maybe you have some photos to share there hehe

Thank you, Jane, I also checked in the meantime. My youngest memory, I have a lot of them from when I was small, now I just have to guess which one is the first one hahaha
Mainly mischievousness I remember 😂