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RE: Spreading The VIbes - Against All Odds

in Q Inspired-by-Music3 years ago

Your cracks, your mistakes, your "disadvantages" are what made you the artist that you are.

Wow.. Thanks @edprivat for this lovely vibe, and it thrown a lot of light and meaning to why we all need to love ourselves and see limitations as stepping stones.

The spectacular band, still amazes me how he overcame that limitation tho, I m working on finding out more about him.

Thanks so much for spreading this lovely vibe, I ll tag @mipiano to read this too. And I can't wait to see @shookriya 's ripple of thoughts from this vibe.


What's up my brother! Thanks again for making me meditate with your post!

There is no such thing as limit, in music! Only possibilities!

Very true.
Have a great weekend.

You too buddy!