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RE: Randy Travis; It's just a matter of time.

I had a discussion with a young man a few days ago. He was complaining bitterly about the motives of EFCC for "harassing" internet fraudsters popularly called Yahoo Boys. To him, the victims are not Nigerians in most cases. He sees them as people that have more than they needed to make a living, so scamming them to some of the resources shouldn't be anyone's headache. I schooled him that these fraudsters are nothing but heartless criminals that should spend their remaining days on earth behind the bars. It's appalling.


That person deserves more than a knock to reset his brain. I don't know what people are thinking these days. Looking for stupid means to justify illegal actions. So because someone made more than they should, it gives him the right to scam them when he didn't work for that money.

I can and will never understand humans like that. It is such a pity.