The Night We Met

Today was like a year to me, time was very slow to me, I said to myself “is it because am at home or I don’t have anywhere to go” different thoughts started ringing on my mind. It is true when people say boredom is not a good thing. I thought of this fact as not a true experience but today changed my thought towards this.

While I was Sitting on the long chair, my let was up and the other was down, my two hand were on my head and the only thoughts that concluded on my mind after several opinions my brain was thinking was about my ex girlfriend, the day we met. I can remember we met at the supermarket.

On that day my eyes were glazing at her, my two eyes were on here and yes! She noticed I was staring at her for long, she then approached me asking if there was anything wrong. While she spoke my thought was lost, my main focus was on her lips. The word that came out of my mouth after she spoke then was “where have you been”, she was confused she then asked me “do I know you” immediately I regained my self and told her sorry am sorry and I left with shyness. She noticed I had some feelings for her, while I was moving I could see her smiles from her or will I say “Her blush” those smile was like everything I was waiting for. Both of us spent 2 hours just to buy few things. After the long stand, my feet was shaking already so I need to start going. While I was moving with my little provision I spent hours to buy, she came along with me, then the next words that came out from her mouth was Hi, I Immediately summoned my courage and then spoke to her, we started laughing cracking jokes, I was feeling her vibes at that moment and she was also feeling mine, so I told her if we could meet that night. She was trying to act busy but later she agreed.



After we left the supermarket then it was like time was slow, then it was evening eventually, I picked up my best suit that night and set for the location. We both concluded on meeting there since non of us had a car. That night we laughed, smile, jokes and shared a lot of experience in experience, we spend 3 hours talking before we know it it as already late. This moment is one of my unforgettable best moment of my life ever. It was like I had met the half of me. It was already late and her house was far from the restaurant rain also was Falling but my house was close by, so we concluded after a long persuasive talks and everything that we should Pass the night at my place. Spending the night with her was like a dream come through, although we did not have any extreme intimate or intercourse because I respected her, but we kissed and cuddled. I felt like a mad that night. After this night we never met again til date.

This thought kept on ringing on my mind while I was seating and then I started smiling because I missed her so much. At that moment she was like dream come through to me. Then the song that came to my mind was Lord Huron the night we met. Playing this song brought back lot of memories. I hope to see her some day soon. Or if I could time travel back I will not be shy to tell her my true feelings.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


What an amazing love story. What really happened? You guys would have at least exchanged contact. What ever be the case, I pray you guys meet again someday

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Ooh.... your girl has the courage take the approach to you, while some are ashame, but is always good to try to express his or her feeling than to die with it which on call for

Yes, I noticed it most ladies are shy to do that. Thanks for commenting my bro