Musical coincidence

in Q Inspired-by-Music3 months ago (edited)


Coincidences exist or not - opinions are divided on this subject. Maybe everything happens for a reason or there are some other laws, invisible at first sight, that move all the marionettes who walk on this planet. Maybe we just pay attention more to the things that we already read or heard so the next time we connect it with the already familiar concept. It could happen that we just want to see the similarities or some connections even if they are not based on rational thinking, who knows? Mysteries of life.

Anyway, here comes music and a connection, or coincidence that my son and I recognized yesterday. He was in the school, already feeling not very well. Nothing serious but the typical runny nose and sore throat thing... He skipped the last lesson which was not important so I went to pick him up and then, while driving home that musical connection was served to us through the radio station we were listening to. {The National radio station which broadcasts classical music.}

The radio announcers talked about a few writers and their writing habits. Of course, their love for typewriters too. After the little talk, they played one very famous piece by Leroy Anderson, called Typewriter. You can listen to it here. The soloist is a person who plays this peculiar instrument - the typewriter 😁. It is a funny video, you will enjoy it.

We enjoyed it too while we were heading home, especially because just the day before yesterday my son had a concert with the orchestra where they performed one piece by the same composer, Leroy Anderson. What a coincidence! Or fate haha. Though it was a different piece, titled Sandpaper.

It was the last composition in the concert to bring more fun after the serious music they played.
Four students were dressed in white T-shirts, they represented the bricklayers. They came to the scene with tools, some paintbrushes, one bucket of paint (obviously an empty bucket), sandpaper, etc. Those were their musical instruments!

Did they forget at home their real musical instruments so had to improvise...? 🤔 😂


It was a fun piece and the whole concert was very nice and successful! Students from a few music conservatories had rehearsals from Friday to Sunday, and Saturday was especially intensive - from early morning until late in the evening. There they had a little break for lunch and to play football... and it was then that my son felt he would get a cold.

His cold made him feel sick, call me to pick him up and listen to a piece by Leroy Andrson on the radio. The circle is closed. 😁

I hope you can also connect now through this musical piece, Sandpaper and enjoy it as we did. 🎶

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Life is a mistery.Last Saturday I went to a concert at the National Teather of Cuba. An American jazz band came to celebrate the 80 anniversary of a great Cuban pianist. Musicians were from differents places of United States of America. They prepared the concert in just 5 days and it was a one time concert. they will never play together again. A singer also came too. The concert was great. American musicians playing classical jazz American music. Beautiful.An then the director explained us that he love Cuba and feel here like home. What's the surprise? He said that years ago he find out that his Grandfather was Cuban... unbelievable!

Life sometimes brings very nice connections and matches.

The concert you describe sounds awesome and when musicians know what they do then 5 days, with intensive rehearsals is enough. And the surprise the director had, that is really exciting, that he found out his grandfather was Cuban. Thank yo for sharing that story with us 😇

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Thank you 🤗

I don't believe in coincidences, I believe that everything happens for a reason, so it had to be for something that even we don't know... we'll find out later!

What a beautiful piece of music, !!!! Thank you!😍

Pretty cool one, this tune doesn't go out of my head now hahaha 🎶

It's very beautiful and catchy, I've already listened to it twice, I love it!

Just twice? 😱 😁

Twice while writing hahahahahahaha yes twice! hahahahaha😘

Congratulations to your son for being part of that beautiful concert and my wishes that his cold doesn't last as long as the paper in that typewriter.

Ha... The universe has a nice way of organising everything...

Who knows if that coincidence, as you call it, of picking him up from school because he was feeling unwell, and the Leroy Anderson piece playing on the radio, is part of a lesson about the nature of thoughts.
After all, he was happy at that performance and the subconscious brought him in to make him feel better.

Bon dia 🌤️

Thank you, he will be fine, in the blink of an eye ;)

Quieres un Hive? I will practice this time abstinence from correcting that typo haha

Dámelo y te lo devolveré cuando mires en la parte de que el círculo se cierra 😅 (edit) - ah, ya ya... es que leí rápido. 😅 entonces... Fuerza! Aguante ahí.

Sé que está allí, que le falta una letra 🕊️

A esta también le faltan letras. Es una instalación frente a la Facultad de Periodismo, donde estoy ahora mismo.


Muy chulo esto! 👌

How cool synchronicity is, usually those kind of situations makes me giggle 🙃 This musical piece reminds me of Tom and Jerry!

Baby is working hard lately, more rest, more rest and vitamins!

You see, Baby is so busy with so many tasks and school and all these musical events.

Rest - nema kad hahaha.
Vitamins - should intake more of it, indeed 🍊 :))

Rest - nema kad hahaha.

Na koga li je?😏

Baby is doing it great!
Znas, ne pamtim kada sam poslednji put upoznala nekoga njegovih godina sa takvom posvecenoscu necemu, zaista bravo!

Na koga li je?😏

Pojma nemam 😂

I’m sure they didn’t forget their music equipments at home
They just wanted to be more creative
That’s what I feel

I was just joking about that

I always say that the Scriptwriter have many surprise to us, some time we don't understand but at the end everything has a why ... 😉
Have a good day señorita Mipiano de los jardines y las coincidencias 😂😂

He indeed has ;)

Gracias, and a good day to you too, señor Puma de los Caimanes 😁

It's always nice to go inside such concerts, especially when someone is performing themselves.

hahaha so funny to see in the video the guys in white in their performance. I loved it, I couldn't help but keep my eyes on them the whole time.
I hope the little guy in the house is getting better fast. Cheers family!