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RE: The melody of the voice, the sound of music

in Q Inspired-by-Music β€’ 2 years ago

I remember sometime ago, ma'am Mipiano (Don't wanna tag, hehe) ...


ma'am Mipiano has eyes everywhere 😁

I am happy that music brought you together, with the neighbour! We take it many times for granted, that music is just here always but we forget how powerful it is. Uniting people and making new experiences! :)

Thank you for your nice post, well, I would say thank you for your entry into the Neighbour's story writing initiative :))

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Haha she sure do have eyes everywhere πŸ˜…πŸ₯°

Music unites, I've had that experience over and over again... It's beautiful 😊

Thanks for stopping by ma'am, you're very much appreciated