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RE: Lessons and Inspirations from Shostakovich ft his most heartwrenching pieces — The Symphony No.11 and String quartet No.8

What a life and struggle, and beautiful music. Interestingly, when I studied, Shostakovich was not in the top of my favourites, but I played some piano pieces which were part of the curriculum. It's because as children we didn't really understand his music and life background.
He for sure deserves a lot higher place in my list too, as you are right, he is underrated.

Inspiration - of course! 🎶🎶🎶🎶


I can understand your POV there. Shostakovich's type of music isn't exactly all... sweet singable melodies or even melodies AT ALL to say the least. It's more or less atonal, or even better - descriptive. Regardless of the style though, his music always manages to paint a picture.

I believe shostakovich's music is quite influential, especially today in modern music!. I can see how composers like John Williams, and Alan Silvestri might've taken notes and inspirations from shostakovich's symphonies, for their film scores.

Lol, that reminds me! I should write a chapter about John Williams! He's legendary!

So YEAH - defs underrated. I mean have you heard his Piano concerto No 2?...Simply out of this world!

The second movement definitely can give a lot of inspiration to the composers while working on their film scores 💙