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RE: Attention, attention: they will sing my poetry on national television.

in Q Inspired-by-Music2 months ago (edited)

Congratulations, what great news. I was looking at the link you left about the Book Fair in Pinar del Río. How nice to see our friend Yosmany Ventura, so charismatic. But you're not there. 😉🥹 I got as far as the social communicator of the provincial book institute.

I'll look for you on the Palmas y Cañas site!

Ahhh... Entendí 😂

I am very worried and anxious for Sunday to arrive to see her performance on TV.

¡Es el próximo domingo!


Hello my dear friend, I hope you enjoyed my tenths from the cover. You see what good news a tonadista is going to sing one of the most touching tenths that is in my book. The link I put has to do with the promotions that our friend @yventura did at the book fair, probably you will select one that I am not checking and I will send you the correct one. Best regards