In the midst of a HPUD day!


I realize that it has been a while since I wrote a post sharing some music. Well, at least some of that old music that I used to share in this "social network" in the blockchain and that apparently no one around here ever heard or has ever heard before.

That relatively strange music that, although quite popular at its time, was never heard again on the radio or in other mass media broadcasting outlets to which everyone has had easy access over the years. And today I propose to share some of those forgotten musical pieces.

Yeah, I admit that most of these old musical pieces that I've been sharing here for more than seven years are usually quite rare and little-known songs that only collectors and true music sybarites have heard and enjoyed at some point in their life.

And look, that these "popular" songs have been from multiple and diverse musical genres that I reckon someone old enough as to have heard them only through the radio, should have heard them already. But yeah, I understand that many here are not that old.

Nonetheless and in the midst of such senseless deluge of HPUD content with everyone posting about their goals, updates and milestones achieved about their current HP. And since certain stubborn and obstinate individuals have ensured for over a year that I have neither the opportunity nor the ability to join the HPUD celebration at the beginning of each month.

In my case, today I rather have decided to write a post with a handful of good old tunes, which although many here might be too young to have heard them and experienced them first-hand. I have the hope that at least they have had the opportunity to listen them through their parents' old vinyl records. ¿Are you ready? ¿Yes? Okay...

¡Here We Go!

These really aren't the sort of tunes that I used to share very frequently. But I really hope that these ones in particular, at some point in your life, you have had the chance of heard them. And the only thing I aspire to, is that you comment if that has been the case. Enjoy them!

Bonus Track: ¡A Tribute!

Until next #HPUD folks!

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