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RE: Tuesday: here's a handful of grunge #ttts you won't wanna watch.

I am astounded you have found a performance by Layne Staley I was previously unacquainted with.

I have not heard Mystik Spiral before.

Oh no, Layne Staley never belonged to or performed for a band called Mystik Spiral. Mystik Spiral is the name of a mexican fan of Grunge and Alternative Rock from the 80s and 90s who likes to translate the lyrics of many of those bands and has a YouTube channel where he shared the video above you refer to. And apparently, he must also be a fan of the animated TV series Daria. From where he probably adopted that username for his social media accounts.

As far as I know, certainly Layne Staley was in several rock bands. Not many but enough for his short life. And some of them quite famous and popular in the 90s. For instance, in the early days and still pretty young, he joined to a short-lived Glam Rock band named Sleze. And then after a year or so he joined another band initially called Diamond Lie which in a very short time they changed their name to Alice in Chains, which is the famous Grunge band by whose hits we know him the most nowadays.

Then, after about three years or so. He also wanted to create and be part of a new band as a side project with members of other bands in the Seattle grunge scene with musicians who had already achieved great success in their respective bands of origin. From that initiative was how the rock supergroup The Gacy Bunch was born. A band which in a very short time would change its name to Mad Season which would record a single album in 1995 called "Above" whose song "Wake Up" is the one that appears in the video that I have shared in this post.

As an additional anecdote, just mention that Layne Staley also appeared as a guest vocalist in other three bands such as: Second Coming, The Aftervibes & Class of '99.


LOL You put me to shame. I just really like the timber of his vocals, and was stunned by his work with AIC. I don't think I knew any of that you just posted. I do appreciate your exegesis!