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Have you ever been afraid of taking a step or decision because you think it's too risky or not too clear but at the end of the day you regret not taking that action?

Well that's me most times or should I say a lot of times am afraid of coming out of my shell afraid that I might not be the best people wants afraid of releasing my potentials and withdrawing inside most especially am afraid of what people will say 😓
Looking back into the years I regret not taking the decisions that were lingering in my mind, not doing the things that could have made me happy all because I was afraid of the outcome. The outcome could have been good, who knows? But how will I know when I didn't push myself out of my fears,


I had my fears my doubts my pain my disappointment my sorrow all package in one, afraid of trusting and letting go Afraid things might not turn up well as plan so I choose not to take the step and made a move actually the risk of not taking the risky didn't go well and today I regret not taking those risks

But now....

This song gave me hope opened my eyes to my fears gave me reason to stand and move or better still fly
Ohh how am going to push toward my dreams till I see it come true am not going to mind what people say anymore cause i'm living my dream my hope my future my life am gonna grab my purse and look only forward not regretting anything but not repeating any mistakes

The lyrics of this song not afraid by Eminem showed me another way to look at life if only I can overcome my fears and take a step am going to be riding on an eagles wind spreading my hands and enjoying the flow of the moment notwithstanding the storms of life we keep pushing to get to the top holding on only to faith freeing my doubts and what people will think or say yea especially when am in the right track and directions
Definitely challenges will come the storm will try to shake you and push you off balance trying to discourage you and stop you from doing your set out plans but keep believing in your dreams face the storms spread your hands and move with the storm but don't allow the storm to change your direction rather change the direction of the storms with your boldness and you will overcome

Woww how I feel like a queen in my world I am going to take charge of my life and my world am blocking my mind's from haters and fear oh how fear can limit a man
How I heard of a man who has all the abilities of winning the war in his community but out of fear of losing his life he hid inside his house until the war got to his door steps and took his life from him ohh how much I hate my fears now it is better to take the risk and lose than not taking the risk and still lose the formal will give you more understanding and initiatives that will help you when you encounter such challenges again so I have decided to be as bold as the Lion and am going to soar like the eagles up on the sky my world is going to see me and am gonna impact my world

Now I dream of my tomorrow and my dreams how am going to live them all out
Am going to visit the gym, go swimming meet and make new friends go for my dreamed career go on a ride and screen my lungs out 😀 am going to shake my world enough of hiding in my shells enough of pretending I can't do better I am stronger and better I am going to forget all my worries and fears am coming out from that pitiful little girl child to a woman of my world because I am no longer afraid to take a stand I walk through the road through the storm weather cold or warm
I am breaking out of my cage and am facing my demons am holding my ground it's time to put my life together again

(My tears as I right this is my standing ground no more delay and procrastination because I am not afraid to take the steps💪

Take the steps the steps you want to take, go to places you wish do the things you love to do as long as the are right you're good to go don't let your fear hinder you anymore
We will enjoy the ride of the storm and definitely the storm will soon be over


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Interesting... this one of my favourite song by by G Eminem, more credit him and woderful writeup friend

Exactly brother the song did a positive impact in my life