Heal the world - Make It A Better Place


As I'm lying on my bed today and listening to heal the world by Michael Jackson. I can't help but think on the story of what happened in my community last week.
A man who just returned from UK was attacked by armed kidnappers on the junction to the supermarket and they were able to stop him, opened his car doors and dragged him out.
According to the man's story he said, they were wearing masks and on hood with AK47’s. When they brought him down two other were looking out the road while one searched him. And when he was searching through his pockets, he found his ID card and brought it out after a quick examination.

The kidnapper looked him up in the face and straight to the eyes with his eyes wide open and asked him if this is his ID and he said yes, he then asked him if he was once teacher in a small local school in my area and he said yes, that he was once a teacher there before he got another work. According to him the kidnapper was full of eyes and silent for a short while and along the other two armed men in hoodies were calling on the one with him and asking what's taking so much time and were ignored. The kidnapper which was with the man's ID, now gave it back to him and told him sorry for the troubles and immediately turn to others and told them to go and they jumped into their vehicle and left without anything belonging to the man.

The man in his story recalled, how he was once a teacher and how he used to help his students by expressing love to them, Buying food for the hungry, supporting some in paying their school fees and also teaching them things from the Bible including how to love one another. He concluded by saying, at least one of the kidnappers must have been his student, who was once touched by the way he related with them.

Source: YouTube

I grew up in a family where everyone is hard working. While growing from childhood, I started socializing with the people around me, I found out that everyone in and outside of my community is working so hard and some are good in businesses. I can confidently say that more than 77% of people in my state is living a very comfortable life, yet everyone keeps hustling and no one jokes with their businesses. I wonder why the rich also keeps hustling and I figured out, it's because they want to maintain their status and make a better day for themselves and their generations to come.

The networth of some people in my community is more than enough to sustain them even without working anymore and also feed their next generation comfortably. One day I asked myself, how can we make a better day without investments?

Every little thing we do today counts, the time we spend writing counts and even the ones we spend while talking or discussing with someone including the one we spend working.
There is no other way to heal the world and make it a better place without making every moment in everyday count. When we talk with someone, the information we pass to the person can help edify the person by inspiration or destroy a person by hurting their feelings or motivate them to do evil. If we must make this world a better place, we must learn to treat each other with love and respect.

Link to lyrics

Love is indeed a beautiful thing, there is no way we can heal the world without love. When we learn to start expressing love, then we can be able to help care and protect the natural things around us including humans because love is the ultimate solution for and covers all.
The good thing is that when we keep spreading love, love comes back to us in ways we may not expect. It necessarily may not come in the way you expect it to but this world is give and take.
I learnt this a long time ago and nothing will make me stop expressing love anything and wherever because the language of love is never to be underestimated, this is how we can start making this world a better place I believe.

Image source: pexel.com

Thank you very much for stopping by to read my post.


That just goes to validate the fact that no good is a waste. Wherever we and whenever we can extend help to our neighbours, please let's do so. Life isn't only about ourselves, it's about the people around us. Lovely one!

Exactly, you're right, thank you ♥

Truly love is all. In fact, the main reason for existence is expression of love to the people around us. The Man who was spared during the armed attack was quite lucky. It was prolly his good deeds in the past that came around. You know they say: one good turn deserves another.

Great write-up ✨

Yes exactly, I've heard that saying many times too and it happens same way. Thanks ♥