True Love

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Love is merely a four letter word that is so powerful. Love helps to bring the world closer. If you don't love, you really should learn to. Love connects people, it's not like the way Facebook and other social media connects people. Love makes you bond with someone physically, mentally and emotionally.
There's a lot of things we cannot achieve in this world today if there's no love. Even without love there will hardly be any advancement in technology or any other sector. Love is like a driving force, you can't love without giving. Sharing valuable informations of your research and finding for progress is all driven by love.
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I remember the countless number of times when I would just want to voice out something that entered my mind to the hearing of my girlfriend whom I really love and trust and I would decide not to speak at that moment, surprisingly she will say exactly that same thing that entered my mind. Actually what surprises me the most is that the most times what comes to our mind doesn't always relate to the current situation or our discussions and it has happened several times between us.

Sometimes I will be the one to say out something she's about to say. There may be several other factors that contributes to this but I know that one of the major reasons is because there exists a bond between us that is created by love and it holds us together.
I know a womans way of life may be complex sometimes and very difficult to understand but she always try to humble herself and be open to me in everything. I know not any other thing that will make a beautiful girl as her, humble herself and be very open to share with me everything I need to know and some that doesn't even concern us if not love.

I have been in a terrible relationship in the past, even at that time I always hear my friends say there is no love and nothing like love exists in relationships. Then they use to see me and the lady I was dating who is now my ex girlfriend before dropping this comment later when we're together. In those days, I wonder if it is jealousy that makes them say things like that because the girl I was dating then was a model for a fashion company and really she's very beautiful.
So when things got bad and she left, I began to think, really maybe my friends were right afterall and there's nothing like love.

I started having third mindset until I met the current woman in my life today who has do far proven to be the exact opposite of my ex girlfriend. She's physically sound, spiritually sound, intelligent and lots more.
Though when we got to know each other, I was no more interested in making any female friends again or to be in any relationship with a woman.
Aside of the many reasons, one of them is because I feel I'll hurt the next one by treating them harshly and not be too open and caring as i was treated.
She kept showing me a lot of green light which I ignored, she stretched out the hand for friendship after trying to be too close. I accepted it and was okay with just being friends, until the day she took a scary decision that shook me to my bones, I found out she was crazy in love with me.
Song lyrics

That was the day I said yes to our relationship and so far everything is going fine and she has proven to be the opposite of what I thought ladies were. Now we are planning to tie the knot by this time next year.
So true love I add an unforgettable reality where many things lies in if you find one and it's more of goodies.

Thank you very much for stopping by to read my post.


You are absolutely correct @raysinmyeyes. Love is a beautiful thing, and one without love is really missing out