Appreciating the Good Ones.

We must have all come to the conclusion that celebrating and appreciating both the little and big things in life matters a whole lot. However, do we only create time to celebrate our wins and progress? How about the people around you? Aren't the good lot worthy of celebrations? In my opinion, they are very much worthy of celebration.

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It's a blessing to have good people around you. People who you can lean on when need be.
We live in an age where everyone is trying to do so many things at the same time as a means to stay afloat. Sometimes, the load gets really heavy and having someone who you can lean on can be a great relief in such a situation.

I've had my share of people who I can absolutely lean on with no worries. Of course the decision of absolute reliance on a person doesn't happen overnight; it could take decades. However, when we finally come to a conclusion that a person is worth leaning on, then we should show our appreciation to such a person in every way that we can. This is just a form of reminding the person that you appreciate their friendship, loyalty and presence in your life.

Personally, I randomly try as much as possible to appreciate such people in my life from time to time(not only on their birthdays). It could be with little diy projects, an outing or anything in that line. Because let's face it, not so many people are reliable these days. Things can make a person turn against you in a split second so why not appreciate them while you still can?

My playlist was on shuffle while working on a crochet project today when an interesting song came up. “Lean On” by Major Lazer and Dj Snake. I call the song interesting because of its lyrics and music video. The first time I saw the music video, I had a hearty laugh because there were parts that were just purely ludicrous.

However, it's not just the music video that makes "Lean On" such a standout track—it's also the message it conveys. In a world where individualism often reigns supreme, the song serves as a striking reminder of the strength found in unity. Whether it's leaning on a friend, a loved one, or even a stranger in times of need, the song encourages listeners to embrace the connections that bind us together because as a matter of fact, there is always that connection.

Lean on was released in the year 2015 and it is one of those songs that could effortlessly make me move to its rhythm. I remember it becoming a repeated song in my household as we all loved to listen to it —irrespective of our diverse taste in music.


In conclusion, Major Lazer's "Lean On" is more than just a song
---it's a celebration of togetherness and solidarity in a world that often feels divided. Through its mesmerising music and heartfelt lyrics, the song reminds us of the importance of having someone to lean on, and the strength that comes from sharing our burdens with others. As we navigate the ups and downs of life, let’s not hesitate to "Lean On" people when need be as we are never truly alone.


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


You are right on this @wongi. We cannot actually do without people being around us. Good people are like guardian angels, and they should be celebrated.

Exactly my thoughts too.

Thank you for stopping by ✨

You are much welcome


Thank you very much.

Is alway good to appreciate people's good doing because it help a long way to encourage them to do more which have to build a good citizen within our environmental, that for sharing frend.

Thank you for reading.


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