
Technology and Humans... We gonna see a much higher integration of those in years to come. am 100% sure about that.

I agree with you when meeting up with friends, acquaintances and whatnot, the phone should be in our pockets, or somewhere else at least than in our hands. Like you, I feel on such occasions we shall be with mind in the physical space, enjoying each other's company without too much digital and electronics around.

That said, already a decade or more ago, we've seen youngsters sitting next to each other, chatting with each other while also doing all sorts of other things in the digital space. Chatting also digitally, WhatsApp back in the days, whatever App these days.

Last weekend I was listing various podcasts about AI developments. One of the podcast hosts made a comment that resonates with my thoughts. At some point in time we may have AI/Robot friends, instead of humans. We may even fall in love with such AI/robots. Think: Replacement of a pet. Replacement of a best friend. Think "Blade Runner", the movie of 2, 3 decades ago - and its sequel 2049. His podcast co-host told us he is quite scared about this though. He can't see this happening, ie people falling in love with a machine. But honestly, I can. What will happen with the physical contact, I don't know. Perhaps we invent things for this, to replace. Perhaps brain/machine interface can give us senses of touching and all. Or we simply de-learn such things. In Japanese society, quite a few peeps already have these companion bears and will become angry when they break, or someone else takes them away.

Back to phones: AGREE! In the pocket when we are with human beings!

I so much love the fact quite a few dance clubs in my country have started to forbid making photographs. Too many peeps experience a night out through the phone lenses. Even some of my friends did that for years. I always told them: Skip the memories on digital film, keep them in your mind. Stay in the moment. Stay in real life. Took me years until I got them into such a state

WhatsApp back in the days, whatever App these days.

Whatsapp is still very much in use but Snapchat is slowly paving its way. Nonetheless, I wouldn't be surprised if a majority of people actually gave into the idea of having digital best friends and pets. If humanity reaches this stage, we would only descend the slope at a rapid pace thereafter.

Whenever this happens, to merge between humans and machines, I am not convinced this is something bad. For now, it seems so, but perhaps it'll be just different. Maybe even an enhancement, who knows? Time will tell, I suppose.

Certainly, time will tell.

Do have a lovely day edje 😊

Phones are suppose to enhance communication but it could be said that they are now doing otherwise. Human to human relationship is gradually being thrown away...

And this is a really sad realization.


ernesto6402, wongi sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/3) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

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You are absolutely right

Excellent post and observations, and no it's not just in your country. The thing is, that mobile phones are the repository for or gateway to so much of our data, and so many of our activities can now be facilitated online. In the past, we would have used different resources to meet each need but now we can do so much with one device but the downside is that it makes us highly dependent on our phones. It's good in some ways, and bad in others. Sometimes a good thing is a bad thing and vice versa! But I agree, when we go out for meals with family or friends the phones stay off.

I dropped in from Dreemport this evening.


I have the same fear in me because of how people are engrossed with there phones.

If we are not careful, a lot of homes will be dismantled because parents will not have time for there children and children would prefer to be with their phones.

I believe this is a time bomb waiting for explosion.

But then again, we can be hopeful. Things may not turn out to be as terrible as we imagine, hehe.

Thank you for stopping by.


You are welcome.

This is happening all around us, so sad. I have experienced it, both as the guilty one and the victim.
But, we could block out times for tech, and time for family and friends so that there will be a balance.
#dreemeforlife from #dreemport

I agree with you.

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👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏

Thank you very much😊

@wongi, you are most welcome!

We've had more friends online and those are the people we most times prefer to interact with and the reasons are best known to us.

Well, I'm guilty as charged but then I still try best to interact with those around me every now and then but it's really hard.


Oh I can totally relate. The friends on can be so much fun to interact with but like you said, it is still best to try building offline relationships too.

Of course, they are the safest. The thing is I don't leave my house often, just church and I have some friends there too 🥰.

Now i feel like high-fiving you. House, school, church and the circle continues for me 🤭

Hehe, Interesting right? 🤣

Very interesting 😂

I know right 🤣