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RE: New Chapter?

Wonderful story. Very interesting.

If you took on a gig just for Sunday mornings, then it is not too much time away from chilling out.

You remind me of my partner @clairemobey, who loves to sing. You are very modest about how well you play. It is good to have the feedback and get some compliments. Considering the amount and scope of places that you have played though, I don't think you could ever be bad at playing that piano! Why else would you be playing everywhere?

Similarly, Claire gets compliments wherever she goes and sings, yet sits with major stage fright or nervousness when it comes to performing in public or posting something up on Youtube.

Such is the burden of a performance artist - you have to risk putting a bit of yourself out there for the rest of the world to see and potentially - judge.

And yet you should just go for it. Most of the time, most people will love it. We just want to hear that music. Keep playing!


First of all, thank you for stopping by and reading this post! :) Yes, on regular basis it will be just on Sundays, and also we will find someone to jump in if I can not go.

Thanks for letting me know about your girl, I checked her and followed, I hope music will come from her too (listened to her youtube video where she sings)

Yes, I had a period of time I was very active in having gigs, one summer it was every evening at a different place, even some days I went to two places... After a time one get burned out, so I cut down a lot, and when lockdown started, well, then everything was canceled and I never went back to have them. So, it is like a new chapter again, but let's start slowly, one morning a week is a good start :)

Thank you so much. @clairemobey appreciates that so much!

Yeah, lockdowns have made digital interactivity more vital. Claire did some collaborations online as well. Still waiting for the result of that.

Keep us posted!

Super, yes, we are a bit more focused on digital interactions and also as a way of making music and collaborating. That is good if we know how to handle it with a good balance. Nice to meet you two

@mipiano Gosh that's wonderful progress. People don't realize what we put into our music. Thank you so much for taking a listen to me too! I'll be sure to look out for you and your music in the future <3 @ZakLudick thank you for the mention xxxx